
SATMA Awards were founded by Dr. Dumisani Goba in 2005 and inaugurated in 2006 to bring all races and ethnic groups together through the celebration of South Africa’s diverse musical cultures and also to eliminate tribalism and other divisive measures. SATMA AWARDS gives traditional music its rightful status and role in South African Arts & Culture in the preservation of our Heritage. SATMA AWARDS recognized this void; therefore the birth of the South African Traditional Music Achievement (SATMA) Awards was incepted where traditional music is given an appropriate platform to honour musicians by hosting a ceremonial event. The SATMA Awards have been hosted in various Provinces (KwaZulu Natal , Eastern Cape & Bokone Bophirima(North West) ), Cities (Durban, East London & Mahikeng) and Venues from 2006 to date. The SATMA roadshow has been hosted in all provinces as part of the build-up to the main event.

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